Animal Emergency Task Force is a Education and Response Team dedicated to helping animals in an emergency or disaster situation by preparing for, rescuing, receiving and reuniting animals with owners.
We also offer training and can help to provide local municipalities with an Emergency Social Services Plan for Animal Response in a emergency or disaster. We are currently located in Southern Alberta but are willing to help anyone with planning and getting people in touch with the resources they may require as well as a response team. We are also a proud stakeholder, working with many organizations in the Companion Animal Disaster Response Capability. (CADRC) Our members have training in Basic Emergency Management, ICS, Animal Handling & Care, Veterinarians and more.
Preparedness is the key, plan ahead, and don’t think it won’t affect you. It is better to be safe than sorry and a few days of inconvenience is worth it for our animals.
Do you know if your municipality has a plan that includes animals? Ask! The Emergency Operations Chief is most likely your local fire chief or a member of council, larger centers may have emergency management operation agencies. For any requests for a Emergency Social Services Plan, in the event there isn’t one, a response team, more information or general questions; please go to Contact Us
Please remember that it is not always a natural disaster that occurs, there are many types of emergencies or disasters that will affect both people and animals and we will be here to assist if we can!
Canada Revenue Charity Business Number # 708721485 RR0001